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2013/2014 Admissions Exercise
1. The University of Ibadan, Ibadan, hereby requests all candidates who made the University their First Choice Most Preferred Institution in the 2013/2014 UTME and scored 200 and above, to submit their biodata and SSCE WAEC/NECO or equivalent certificate results ONLINE directly through http://admissions.ui.edu.ng on or before 7 July, 2013.
2. Candidates who are expecting the release of their 2013 ‘O’ level results CAN participate in the 2013/2014 Admissions Exercise by indicating their “Awaiting Result” status appropriately ONLINE. Such results must be uploaded immediately they are released. SSCE (or equivalent) results released after 31 August, 2013 will not be considered for the 2013/2014 Admissions Exercise.
3. Instructions:-
A (i) Candidates are to pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira Only (N2,000.00) into U.I Admission Processing Fee Account at any of the branches of the under listed banks nationwide :
UI Admission Processing Fee Account Details:
Mainstreet Bank Plc (Acct. No – 6000085286)
First Bank of Nigeria Plc (Acct. No – 2018156959)
University of Ibadan Micro-Finance Bank (Acct. No – 1050000027)
The teller should have full names of the candidate (SURNAME first) as in the UTME result slip preceeded by the JAMB Registration number, as the payee.
Name and JAMB Registration Number should be quoted in the depositor’s name at the point of payment (in bank). The following format could be adopted:
Jambregno/name or
(ii) Consequent upon payment of the Processing fee of N2,000.00 at the banks, candidates are expected to submit their Teller numbers online. This should be done by logging-in on http://admissions.ui.edu.ng with the JAMB Registration number and submission of a valid e-mail address.
(iii) Candidates will retrieve username and PIN-number on the same web page, immediately after submission of bank teller details.
(iv) Candidates are then expected to log-in onto http://www.admissions.ui.edu.ng to submit their biodata and O’level results.
(v) Candidates should ensure that the on-line forms are carefully filled, following ALL necessary instructions, as “mistake(s)” may lead to disqualification.
B (i) Please fill the on-line forms in CAPITAL letters only.
(ii) Multiple submissions may lead to disqualification.
(iii) Candidates can return to the portal, up till 7 July2013 to edit/complete their previous entries or otherwise review and print their submissions. Please ensure that you click “FINAL SUBMISSIONbefore printing. Applicants should note that no further editing CAN be done after final submissions.
(iv) Kindly use functional e-mail addresses and telephone numbers to enable the University reach you in the course of the Admission exercise, whenever the need arises.
(v) Candidates are expected to upload their passport photographs and signatures. The image format for the passport and signature is JPEG and must not exceed 50kB.
(vi) An on-line help desk platform on http://admissions.ui.edu.ng/helpdesk will be available to handle all genuine enquiries.
(vii) Schedule:
Names of all applicants/ candidates for the Post-UTME exercise will be displayed on the University’s Website from 17 July, 2013. Electronic mails (e-mails) and SMS will be sent to ALL invited candidates.
4. Candidates should please note that it is only when an ‘O’ level result is deficient for a course of choice, that another deficient result may be presented to complement. Candidates presenting two ‘O’ level results (6 credits at 2 Sittings except College of Medicine and Pharmacy) should ensure that the comprehensive details of both results are submitted.
5. The deadline for submission of biodata / ‘O’ level results may not be extended. Any candidate whose data are not submitted within the stipulated time may not be considered for admission.
6. Misrepresentation/falsification of documents is a serious offence. Candidates are therefore advised to submit genuine documents only. Anyone found guilty of this offence will be disqualified automatically and may be handed over to the Law Enforcement Agents.
7. Candidates are strongly advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines stipulated above for successful completion of the on-line submissions.
ALL candidates seeking admission in the University of Ibadan for the 2013/2014 academic session MUST be sixteen (16) years old or above by 1st October, 2013.
ONLY candidates who scored 200 and above in the 2013/2014 UTME, duly applied for the Post-UTME screening and logged on their data on the University admission portal will be invited for the Post-UTME screening exercise.
ALL candidates who chose University of Ibadan as their Second Most Preferred Institution should look out for information on the University website http://www.ui.edu.ng
It has been brought to the attention of the University Management that some individuals have been soliciting registration of candidates for the 2013/2014 University of Ibadan Post-UTME examination on the under listed websites and blogs among other social media:
1. http://www.postume.com.ng/apply_for_update/?uni=University%20of20Ibadan%20Ibadan&id=81
2. http://www.topix.com/forum/world/nigeria/TS62D51LE16TJ00MV
The general public is hereby informed that the University does not have any relationship or connection with any of the above listed websites or blogs or any other social media.
The general public should also beware of fraudulent advertisements and solicitations such as the following:
University of Ibadan admission status checks, and processing, call: 08144724765”
University of Ibadan Post Utme 2013/2014 forms is out call: 08168829969”
This topic is being created to provide you with information about the school admission exercise and process for the year 2013/2014 academic session, be it (Jambite, DE, and DLC). So I urge you all to make this thread an interactive one by asking your questions. Whatever information you may have, please do share it to get every other member updated.
For further enquiry add me on 2go@walexxyyy or whatsapp @ 08181777929”
The University does not and will never appoint agents or third parties to act on its behalf for the purposes of admission into any of its academic programmes. Any individual who transacts purportedly with the University via any of the above mentioned websites, social media or contacts will be doing so to his or her disadvantage.
For information on admission into any of our academic programmes visit the University of Ibadan website http://www.ui.edu.ng or contact the Undergraduate Admissions Unit through any of these help lines: 08129732268 and 08115976795. These lines are open between the hours of 8.00 am and 4.00 pm weekdays.
Please also note that accessing the University of Ibadan website through any of the search engines may lead to redirection to other websites not associated with the University. Prospective candidates or applicants are therefore advised to access the University website http: //www.ui.edu.ng directly.
Olujimi I. Olukoya, MNIM, FPA


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