this is an evil act of raping a young lady and burying her alive...Thank God for the soldiers who uncovered her body within 12hrs...Girls be warned, be careful the kind of the kind of guys you go out with..Wickedness is really in the hearts of men.
This is an evil act. Raping a young lady and burying her alive. But thank God for Nigerian army who uncover this evil act after 12 hrs. Girls be warned...mind who you are going out with! Cultism is on the increase among the Nigeria youths....why this killings everyday! God Please have mercy on us. - See more at: http://www.date360.net/forum/topics/video-wickedness-a-nigerian-girl-raped-buried-alive-by-gang#sthash.Z3IR5sIa.dpuf
This is an evil act. Raping a young lady and burying her alive. But thank God for Nigerian army who uncover this evil act after 12 hrs. Girls be warned...mind who you are going out with! Cultism is on the increase among the Nigeria youths....why this killings everyday! God Please have mercy on us. - See more at: http://www.date360.net/forum/topics/video-wickedness-a-nigerian-girl-raped-buried-alive-by-gang#sthash.Z3IR5sIa.dpuf
Hmm.......this is serious