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The importance of being mentally strong cannot be underestimated. If you want to achieve success in any area of your life then you’ll need to overcome setbacks, push yourself to your limits and remain positive.

If you want to succeed in transforming your physique, shedding a few pounds, get a new job or start a new business then being mentally strong is not an optional extra.

Mental strength is not just something you are born with. You develop mental strength as you go through life and overcome difficulties and scare new heights. Mental strength can be learnt and developed.

Consider these 6 points to help you improve your metal strength:

1. Learn From Your Failures

Failure is a right of passage for many. If you want to succeed you have to be prepared to fail. Failure does not mean the end, instead you need to be able to learn from your failures, evaluate where you went wrong and improve.

The list of billionaires who went bankrupt before they were successful is surprisingly long! From Henry Ford to Walt Disney, bankruptcy or failure doesn’t mean the end!

As Winston Churchill said:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
2. Take Time To Reflect

Taking time to reflect on setbacks and failures is often important if you want to learn from them and come back stronger.

By taking the time to understand where things went wrong you can not only ensure that you don’t make the same mistakes again but also better understand how to deal with your failures.

Don’t feel you have to jump straight back into a new project, idea or workout programme when something doesn’t work out. Make sure you’re refreshed and ready to go again.

3. Focus On The Positives

Being mentally tough involves seeing the positives in any situation. Being resilient and overcoming setbacks isn’t going to happen if you focus on the negatives and feel sorry for yourself.

If you’ve been trying a new diet for a couple of months and you’ve made the effort to change your shopping habits and learn some new recipes but you haven’t seen any results then you might be disheartened.

You think your efforts have been in vain – instead focus on the positives.

You’ve discovered that this diet isn’t working for you so you know that you need to make a change. You’ve also developed new cooking skills and actually made a change – the first and most important step!

4. Have Clear Goals

The importance of having clear goals in order to stay motivated is a topic we’ve touched on before.

If you want to be resilient and have the mental strength to overcome short term setbacks then you need to have long term goals that you truly believe in.

If you know exactly what you’re trying to do and where you’re trying to get to then short term setbacks will only be a bump in the road.

5. Maintain A Sense Of Perspective

Being mentally strong is often about maintaining a sense of perspective.

Things might be going against you but it doesn’t mean that your world has turned upside down. When you really become involved in something and it begins to consume most of your time, even small setbacks can feel like a major crisis.

Don’t let this happen to you! Always maintain a sense of the bigger picture to put your problems into perspective.

6. Take Care Of Your Physical Health

If you want to be mentally tough then you need to take good care of your physical health. Your brain will function better when you eat well and exercise regularly.

There are good reasons why the toughest of the tough like Navy Seals and US Marines are incredibly physically fit. And they don’t all revolve around their capacity to run for hours and lift heavy objects.

If you’re physically fit then your powers of concentration will be better and your ability to think clearly under duress will be improved.

Dont neglect your physical health and fitness when it comes to mental strength.

Anything you’d add to the list? Let us know in the comments section below…


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